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At Indigo, we are inspired by the incredible work done by Acorn Nursery and their dedication to empowering individuals with disabilities through employment and training opportunities. We wholeheartedly support their mission of fostering self-worth and confidence in every person they work with. Just like Acorn, we believe in the importance of creating inclusive environments and providing meaningful opportunities for all. We admire Acorn's commitment to sustainability, using biological control methods and recycling materials. As a company, we are proud to align ourselves with organizations like Acorn Nursery and their positive impact on the community. We are dedicated to promoting their cause and raising awareness about the exceptional work they do. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society.





On the 14th of July, the Indigo team will enthusiastically join forces with Acorn Nursery to extend their support across various aspects of Acorn's operations. In addition to assisting with tasks such as potting up plants and tending to the greenhouse, the team is excited to lend a helping hand to other essential services provided by Acorn. This includes offering support at the Woodshack, participating in the reuse furniture scheme, helping out in the charity shop, and contributing to garden maintenance. Indigo is committed to engaging with and positively impacting all areas of Acorn's diverse initiatives. Through their collective efforts, they aim to foster an inclusive environment and create a lasting difference in the lives of the individuals supported by Acorn.

If you're interested in supporting Acorn Nursery and their mission, there are several ways you can contribute. One option is to volunteer your time and skills, whether it's helping in the nursery, assisting in the charity shop, or offering support in other areas such as the Woodshack or garden maintenance. Another way to make a difference is by purchasing their plants and products, knowing that your support directly benefits their social enterprise and the individuals they assist. By spreading the word about Acorn's important work, you can raise awareness and inspire others to get involved. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and contribute to a more inclusive community.